2024 Conference


                                                      Conference 2024

                             "She Shall Crush Your Head"

"Our Lady, the Liturgy, the Family and the Crisis of Modernity."


Great speakers, great topics and the day conference was free.

See videos below.


Modernity is designed to destroy the Catholic Church and the Family by causing a crisis in faith, culture and sexuality. In order to confront the leviathan of modernity there must be a reawakening within the Church and within her members of her traditions, her liturgy, her mission and beauty. Though this is an enormous task it has already begun, we all have a role to play and the question will be then not if the Catholic Church can overcome modernity but when. 


The talks will focus on the revolution caused by modernity, how the Traditional Latin Mass is best placed to deal with the onslaught, why devotion to Our Lady is critical and the necessity of promoting the Gospel of Life.